How to Prevent Miscarriage

What causes a miscarriage?

This is one of the most googled questions.  We ask either because we hope by knowing the answer we can avoid or prevent it or that knowing will help give us to peace of mind about what happened. 

The vast majority of miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities, which means there’s nothing you could have done and it’s not any your fault.  

Other causes of miscarriage include:

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Immune system issues 

  • Abnormalities of the uterus or uterine lining

  • Blood clotting 

  • Drug use 

Thing that do not cause miscarriage: 

  • A stressful encounter or experience 

  • Exercise

  • A fight with your partner 

  • That night out with the girls before you knew you were pregnant 

  • Your morning cup of coffee

Too often I hear women blaming themselves or trying to wracking their brain to identify the thing they did that caused their miscarriage (all of the above-mentioned possibilities have been suggested by patients).  I want to repeat, nothing you did caused your miscarriage. 

While the choices you make in your daily life are not to blame for miscarriage, they can help in preventing miscarriage. Here’s how:

Of the top causes of miscarriage- genetic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, immune issues, and uterine lining issues- there are things you can do to address all of them!

What can I do to prevent miscarriage? 

You can reduce the risk of having a miscarriage by making lifestyle and diet changes and implementing self care strategies that help to establish hormone balance, reduce inflammation and modulate an over active immune response, thicken your uterine lining, and even address egg quality to reduce genetic abnormalities. 

Here are a few things you can start to do to reduce your risk:

  • Stop smoking

  • Reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake (1 cup a day is fine) 

  • Eat a diet high in antioxidants, organic fruits and vegetables; and low in processed foods and sugar

  • Limit exposure to toxic chemicals that can impact the genetic quality of your eggs 

  • Apply acupressure and abdominal massage to bring blood flow to the uterine lining and ovaries for uterine lining health and egg quality 

  • Introduce a stress reduction practice to support hormone balance 

What can acupuncture do to prevent miscarriage?

Both acupuncture and acupressure are effective tools for restoring hormone balance and improving the conditions conducive to conceiving a healthy baby.  Acupuncture and acupressure can help to prevent miscarriage by:

  • Addressing hormone imbalances and supporting optimal hormone levels for conception 

  • Managing conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis 

  • Promoting blood flow to the ovaries to support egg quality

  • Promoting blood flow to the uterus to support lining quality and thickness 

  • Regulating the immune system 

  • Promoting relaxation and reducing the effects of stress on the body 

Though helping you get pregnant is our goal in everything we do, whether in the clinic, virtually, or through our online programs, our method always includes miscarriage prevention.  

Our very intentional and comprehensive approach to helping you get pregnant takes into account all of the factors- hormone balance, lining and egg quality, immune factors, and lifestyle- that impact your fertility and your ability to not only conceive but carry and delivery your healthy baby.  

To learn more about what we can do together to support your journey to motherhood, reach out, join our Facebook group, Yintuition Fertility Support Community, or find us on Instagram