When Do I Ovulate? When Should I Have Sex to Get Pregnant? And Other Important Questions for Getting Pregnant

When Do I Ovulate? When Should I Have Sex to Get Pregnant? When am I Most Fertile?

If you’ve googled these questions, we’ve got the answers for you! We’re going to break this down into 3 simple steps:

STEP #1 for getting pregnant: Have sex around ovulation

Ovulation is the process of an egg being released by a dominant follicle from your ovary. When an egg is release a sperm has only 24 hours to get to the egg and fertilize it. However, your fertile window, the period of time during which you are fertile, can be up to 5 or 6 days (4-5 days before ovulation and 24 hours after). While having sex on the day ovulation is confirmed is great, it’s not your only fertile day, so don’t worry if it doesn’t happen that day. On the days when you are fertile (see signs indicating you are fertile below), sperm can live for 3-5 days in fertile cervical fluid. So whether you have sex every day or every other day of your fertile window, you still have a good chance of sperm and egg meeting.

But how do you know when you are in your fertile window?

STEP #2 for getting pregnant: Figure out when you are expected to ovulate

In preparation for ovulation your body increases production and circulation of estrogen and blood. As a result you may notice improved energy, mood, confidence, and libido. These are all biologically designed to increase your likelihood of having sex to conceive. Take advantage!

Also look for these other signs that you are becoming increasingly fertile and ovulation is coming soon:

  • Increased sense of smell, taste, sight

  • Change in cervical fluid from lotion-like to clear, stretchy, egg-white like fluid

  • Cervical fluid increases its water content from 92-99% as it gets closer to ovulation

    • Fertile cervical fluid will make a round mark on your underwear vs non-fertile CF which will have more of an oblong mark (sorry for the graphic, but you’ll thank me later!)

  • Cervical position changes

    • (the cervix will feel Soft (like the inside of your lip), High (it goes up higher in the pelvis and may be out of reach if you try feeling for it), Open, and Wet (thanks to increased cervical fluid) (Remember the acronym SHOW

  • One sided cramping or pain (very close to ovulation)

  • Mid-cycle spotting (right around ovulation- so have sex if you see it because ovulation has occurred)

  • Ovulation Predictor Kit indicates high fertility

STEP #3 for getting pregnant: Have sex when you notice signs you are fertile (i.e. ovulation is approaching)

This step is simple. When you observe those signs of impending ovulation, that’s the time to have sex. While apps and Ovulation Predictor Kids can offer some assistance, they can both be frustrating when used on their own. Your body is your best indicator of your fertile window. Use several physical signs to guide you and apps and OPKs as back up to confirm what your body is telling you.

NOTE: If you are not observing any signs of fertility (no cervical fluid or too much vaginal discharge to be sure you are producing fertile cervical fluid) please reach out to us! There are many ways acupressure, lifestyle, diet, and herbs can help to get you back on track to getting pregnant.

Want more information to guide you through this process with a proven, straight-forward, step-by-step method to getting pregnant? Join our online community and program Conceiving Zen: Your Essential Acupressure Guide to Fertility for resources and practical strategies from a fertility acupuncturist.