A Recipe for Making Babies

How to Make a Baby: A Recipe for Success

When it comes to baking, ingredients matter. Baking is a science.  Precise measurements and ingredients are necessary to get the desired result.
If you use baking soda where baking powder is needed, If you add too much flour, or too little sugar, you’ll be very disappointed with the end result. 

If you even put warm cookie dough into the oven before chilling it you’ll get bad cookies.  

Conceiving is just like baking.  You need the right ingredients (hormone levels, egg and sperm quality), and you need them to come together at the right time. 

Just as a recipe is needed for baking a cake, there is a precise recipe for making babies.  The right ingredients need to be mixed together in a certain way, under certain conditions.  

But when you get it right it is oh so good! 

The Ingredients:

Eggs- eggs take 90 days to mature.  Though they exist in your body before you’re even born, the critical period of maturation (when they grow to their full potential) happens in the months before they are released.  

Sperm- sperm also takes 90 days to reach full maturity.  During the months leading up to the release of those sperm, lifestyle and diet can significantly impact the quality and quantity of sperm and determine how effectively they are able to swim, penetrate the egg and fertilize the egg. 

To ensure the highest quality “ingredients” both male and female partners should abstain from alcohol, reduce caffeine to no more than 1 cup of coffee or caffeinated drink per day, reduce their exposure to pesticides, hormones, and environmental toxins, and instead opt for organic produce and grass-fed (and finished) meats, pasture raised poultry and eggs, and wild caught fish low in mercury.  

The Directions: 

  • For your best chances of conceiving, the ingredients have to be “mixed” under the right conditions

  • Use the following “tools” to observe when you are in your fertile window (listed in order of priority):

    • 1. Body signs and symptoms (egg white cervical fluid, cramping, breast tenderness, increased libido, improved mood and energy)

    • 2. Ovulation predictor kit indicates increasing or peak fertility

    • 3. Your fertility tracking app indicates you are in your window

  • Have sex when you observe lotion-like and/or egg white cervical fluid, when your libido, energy and mood are increasing (which indicates hormones are preparing for ovulation), and when your predictor kit indicates you are nearing ovulation

Keep in mind that the perfect ingredients combined at the wrong time or under sub-optimal conditions will yield nothing. To get the desired result the ingredients are just as important as the conditions in which they are combined. The same is true of getting the time right but using sub-optimal ingredients.

Combining high quality “ingredients” with good directions is your best recipe for success!